Thursday, June 24

Let the shit be on me

How are u guys? Hehe...
Akhirnya di week-end, trus gw juga seneng akhir2 in.. secara project gw di kantor kmrn udh selese.. jadi ga terlalu bnyk yang di lakukan di office sekarang ini. seengaknya lebi relax dikit deh.. Well, for sure I love this moment.. :)
Kalo u pda gmn..?

"Kenapa kamu bisa suka aku?"
"Kenapa kamu pilih aku jadi pacarmu?"
"Kenapa Aku?" "Kenapa Aku?" "Kenapa Aku?"

Pertanyaan yang somehow ada aja kalo lagi pacaran.
Ntah kenapa para kaum hawa seperti memerlukan alesan yang tepat kenapa kita pilih dia.
Kadang aneh aja buat gw.

Inget pertama kali pacaran gw, di tanyain ginian ama pacar gw dlo.
Jadi "Apa sih yang bikin kamu pilih aku do?"
Well, waktu gw smp 2 gw adalah seorang manusia lugu, ga jago bersilat lidah ato apapun kata yang bisa di pake buat diskripsiin orang yang jago ngomong.

Yaa Aldo dolo bukan orang yang jago berkata2 jadi dgn lugunya gw ngomong "Aku suka mata kamu, rambut kamu, apa kamu lah, apa kamu lah, apa kamu lah."
dan akhirnya gw sampe di ujung kreatifitas gw trus gw ngomong "Iya deh keknya itu aja deh"... Kedengeran bego banget ya..

Sekarang setelah gw grow up. Gw ngerasa kita ga perlu 1 pun alesan buat suka ama orang. Kenapa? Simple. Karena kita ga butuh alesan untuk mencintai ato di cintai orang. (Cieeee, si aldo udh ahli niii..)
Alnya alesan2 itu bakalan ilang.. yepp..
It's just a matter of time until those reasons gone, so why would we need it?

Betull? betul donkk..!!

Yes we need reason for hating someone, but do we need one for loving someone?

Jadi para lelaki.. kalo anda di tanya kenapa u pda pilih cwek lo sekarang jadi pacar lo.. Jawabannya simple : Ga ada..!

#For your information
Gw kepikiran buat tulis ini pass kemaren itu gw nonton the ugly truth lagi.. yapp.. nonton itu buat ke 2 kalinya, and well gw masi aja tetep terkesima ama si Gerard Butler bukan karena hotnya dia ato apapun itu..

Tapi gara2 dia ngomong.
"Let the shit be on me" waktu si ceweknya tanya kenapa dia suka tuh cwek..
Eww. keren abis deh..

Let the shit be on me..

Let the shit be on me..

Let the shit be on me..

Wiihiiiihhh.. xD

Sick famous.

Postingan nih postingan..!! Hehe
Tapi untuk postingan kali ini gw mau coba pake inggris ya itung2 buat ngelatih inggris gw secara udh lama nih ga pake inggris :)

Inggris gw.? udh jatuh ke bawah tanah, ga ngerti kenapa sekarang kalo ngomong pake inggris udah makin susah dah susah aja deh.. mungkin sekarang udh ga chatty kek dlo aja kali ya.. Well, jadi mohon maap kalo postingan kali in pake inggris

This post just contents something inappropriate for kid under 14-years-old boy.
for whoever who doesn't feel like reading this blog or under 14 years old, please close your browser and go sleep =P
(By the way this disclaimer was inspired by my colleague email's disclaimer)

Nowadays a lot of people finding their popularity as if there is a big damn race for a Hollywood star, Actress, Actor, inventor and whosoever.

Come on be honest to each other. Who doesn't like being popular man.? is it a bad idea? I guess no. It's not a bad idea at all. Popularity drags you to fame, fame drags you to money, and somehow this sick world offer a girl in exchange of money!

This is sick.. Yahh.. our world is sick!
The fame which I am looking for since I was a 7 years-old-boy is gone.
Fame which bring world closer to peace, nowadays famous people treat world as it is their and only their own, paparazzi keep talking about Miley Cyrus, Beiber, or even Ariel Peter Pan, they just somehow not interested to talk about poor guy, classless people. Fame drags this world to a worse craziness. Hell yeah it is true!

To be honest my first intention of writing this blog is to be known, to be known as a writer secondly to express what I really am.
I find writing could bring me closer to famous, even the famous itself is not match to famous offered by Hollywood but still it offers me fame.

I am wishing it will make my way smoother to find someone who really match with me as I will demand a lot of things from my girlfriend one day. E.g. She must be a good girl, even how bad I am. She must stay in home when I am off to pub or club. (Well, the second one is somehow impossible to happen)

but I am wrong. a big WRONG!
Blog, Youtube, and anything I did. never ever bring me closer to a woman like my type. It even bring me closer to disaster.

See, being popular in internet just a sick idea, good girl will never come on the other hand they will run after looking how famous you are in this cyber world as my experience said good girl never interested with a guy who has a lot of interaction over internet.
They just somehow not interested with these things, but a good whore does.

Forget about the idea of being famous in cyber world because it will only and only drag a good whore for you instead of offering a good girl. This story will be different if you are finding a whore.

Now I am willingly to say it because it is true as it is happening. but once again it's your call if you feel looking for famous in this cyber world is a good idea.
I would prefer not to encourage you finding your famous in internet.